
>> Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I am utterly joyful that tomorrow I get to see my husband.
And my dog.
I will be touching down in DEE-Troit around 8:30 p.m.

Blogging will be at a minimum.


Una dia mala

>> Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today was annoying.

This evening was lovely.

I really enjoy my "family time." It sounds cheesy, but it's great. I look forward to seeing the kids everyday when I come home from work. Living with my sister, niece and nephew has made me see how cool kids are; how much they really do add to daily life.

It is my pleasure to watch these little personalities develop. In all honesty, it's a gift.


FM3 Status Update

FM3 will be ready on Friday. (I will be in Ohio.) So, I'll get it when I come back next week.


FM3 Status Update

>> Monday, September 18, 2006

I find out tomorrow morning if I'll get my FM3 before my trip back to Ohio on Thursday.

Exciting. :-)


Don't run with a Rottweiler

Currently, I'm residing with two dogs:

  • Kiera - a blue heeler
  • Riley - a Rottweiler puppy
I went running today and decided to take Kiera and Riley. Kiera has gone before - she's awesome. No leash necessary. She also has a particular disdain for Mexican men (I know, not politically correct - but it's true) so in some strange way she's very protective of everyone in the house. (Makes me feel better, I have to admit.)

Anywho - took Riley with us this time. (Riley chewed the edge of my sister's super-cool coffee table today, so I thought it would be good to take her out of the house for a bit.) Riley was horrible. This enormous dog, with TONS of energy actually SAT DOWN on the ground 10 minutes into our run. Seriously. She was horrible. By the end of the 35 minutes, I was nearly pulling this huge rottweiler puppy. Insane.

Point to this story: None really. Except Riley isn't a good runner.

Nice addition to the story that made me feel special: Chloe was VERY upset that I went running on the golf course "in the desert" because there are "snakes everywhere" and I'm "never allowed to do that again."

Ah, to be loved.


I swear I just saw Jimmy Buffet

On my 3 minute drive to work this a.m. I think I saw a Jimmy Buffet look-alike crossing the street in his wetsuit and with his board.

I swear it was him.

Or, maybe I just wanted it to be him. Nonetheless, I may or may not have just seen Jimmy.


I know, it's probably getting old...

>> Sunday, September 17, 2006

...but I will see my husband in 3 days and 3 nights.
This makes me quite happy. Quite.