Note to all female beach-enjoying Americans visiting Cabo.

>> Thursday, April 12, 2007

This type of swimsuit cover-up is not acceptable.



>> Wednesday, April 11, 2007

When trying to tell a waiter that one is ready to order:

Do not say: "Soy Listo."
This means, "I'm smart."
Say: "Estoy lista."
Which means, "I'm ready."
**Not that I've ever made that mistake before or anything... :-)


Only in Cabo

Get this below. My friend/co-worker sent this to me today.
These photos were taken from the front of her house today.
Only in Cabo.


So wonderful.

>> Monday, April 09, 2007

It has been SO wonderful having Een and S. here.

We've had such a great time. There is definitely something to be said for friends. Good friends. From home.

We have spent the majority of our time, believe it or not, in the sun and laughing. And of course, eating.

Een left this morning and is on her way to Chicago to stay the night with two more of our favorite people (G. & H.), then is off to do some work and will finally arrive home in T-town on Thursday.

S. is here until the 16th, but she leaves us tomorrow (sad) when her boyfriend gets here.

It, I must tell you, has been SO much fun for C. and I to share our space with them. SO.MUCH.FUN.
