Who needs WATER?

>> Saturday, June 16, 2007

Woke up this morning in Mykonos 201B to find that we had no water.

Let me map this out for you: this means no toothbrushing, toilet flushing, shower taking, leg shvaving, dishes washing, etc.

A few minutes ago I went down to the Mykonos Main Office to ask Olga what the dilly-yo was. As it turns out, a city water pipe has been damanged (i.e. broken) and therefore we have no water. However, we have cistern that is supposed to be always FILLED with water.

The question then becomes, is the cistern full?

Ah yes, let me answer this: No. The cistern, which is paid for by the homeowner's association to be full at all times for emergency situations is empty. Yes, empty.

Olga told me, "If we get water today...just try to use it sparingly." Olga. If you get water here today, I'll be happy to heed your request. If not, I might kill you.


You can come visit me!

>> Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The U.S. has softened their passport restrictions for the time being. See here.

The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security announced Friday, June 8th that U.S. citizens traveling to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or countries in the Caribbean region, who have applied for, but not yet received passports, can re-enter the United States by air. This accommodation does not mean that Americans are exempt from meeting the entry requirements of Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or countries in the Caribbean region. Entry requirements for those countries remain in effect. Americans traveling to those countries must verify the specific entry requirements for that country before departure.


Our Sunday

>> Monday, June 11, 2007

Life is rough when you read, hang out in the pool and hunt for treasures every Sunday.
Note C., enjoying a bit of MacWorld while in the pool.