The C Report
>> Friday, June 08, 2007
Background: C. has been living in Cabo for 5 months and 8 days.
Most exciting thing:
"That we'll be moving. Into a house. With our dog."
Newest thing you've learned:
"About the little development behind Fonatur, where we'll be moving."
Food issues/thoughts:
"I have no food issues. I love Mexican food."
Job Thoughts:
"Right now I'm just putting in my time, learning the market and waiting for my break."
Overall thoughts:
"I'm still glad we moved here. It's a chance of a lifetime, really. It's nice to live in paradise."
What do you miss?:
"I miss family get-togethers, friends, glass blowing, etc."
Overall Comments:
"I am looking forward to being able to do stuff on our new residence and have fun doing that, instead of spending the weekends in our hotel room."