
>> Saturday, December 02, 2006

1. For my two new office plants that I potted today.
2. For my Cabo family.
3. For the distance to soon be quelled.
4. For the new year.
5. For new beginnings.
6. For wine.
7. For new shoes.




For the record...

>> Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pilates kicked my butt today.


"I'm so busy."

>> Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I loathe when people complain about how busy they are. Can't stand it. "How are you?" "Swamped." Shush. Get over yourself. EVERYONE is busy.

However, since this is my blog and I can do with it what I want, I'd like to expand on the list of "To Do's" that is involved with the transition from Toledo, Ohio to Los Cabos, B.C.S. Mexico.

At this particular juncture, the husband and I are emailing back and forth a "To Do" list (one for him, one for me) that we both are commenting on, updating, writing notes about, etc. It's getting nuts.

Some of the things we must do BEFORE we move here after CHRISTMAS:

  • Buy me a new car, ship it to Mexico
  • Ship C.'s car to Mexico
  • Install a house alarm
  • Get a battery backup for the sump pump
  • Finish all online banking
  • Ready the house for our departure (timer lights, lineup snow removal, etc.)
  • Buy a laptop for Craig
  • Get all of our bills online
  • Buy "return to Cabo after Christmas" tickets
  • Research what Nattie needs to come to the country
  • Reserve a place on our flight for Nattie
  • Find a place to live. (This is a serious one. Or there might not be a Nattie for a little while.)
  • Sell my jetta or ship it back to the States.
  • Forward our mail
  • Finish up Dr.'s appointments
  • Pack up whatever stuff we want to move here from the States. UPS it to the importer in San Diego.
  • Oh, and spend time with our families and see everyone we want to see before we leave after Christmas...
That's just all I can remember right now.

Not to mention buying Christmas gifts for everyone, shopping, etc. I think we're just going to skip that this year.

I think we're both a bit overwhelmed. Quite honestly, though... this is all stuff that we really couldn't have done any sooner than what we're doing it.

All will be fine.


Weather Foolishness

I love it when the temperature "dips" to about 75 or 80 during the day and the locals wear turtlenecks, sweatshirts and sweaters and I'm still wearing sandles and sleeveless clothes.

I'm eternally stuck in July and I love it.



>> Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My sister (with whom I live) and her BFF left for San Diego today. I am here with Chloe, VeggieBurger and Marianna. (Brother B. leaves for T-town tomorrow a.m.) So, it's me and the kids until Friday afternoon/evening.

Anywho, Mena (the all-espanol speaking housekeeper-o-my-sister) pointed out when I got home (in Spanish, of course) that Riley (the semi-delayed intelligence-wise puppy rottweiler) ate poinsettias (I think that's poisonous) and that we're out of food.

So, she wrote me a grocery list. In Spanish. FUN! It's like a high-school Spanish class project. Here is what is said:

  • pan bimbo (white bread, "Bimbo" brand)
  • leche galen (gallon of milk)
  • toallas para limpiar (this one stumped me for a few. paper towels)
  • jamon (ham)
  • bolonia (bologna. Thank goodness for cognates)
  • brcoly (broccoli. duh)
  • coliflor (cauliflower)
  • manzanas (apples)
  • carne arrachera marinada (huh? I had to ask the guy at the store about this one. It's some sort of meat. Like steak, all cut up or something.)
  • pan amburguesas (hamburger buns)
  • pan hot dog (hot dog buns)
  • pure tomate de cajo (2) (2 cans of tomato sauce)
  • cilantro (YES! it's English AND Spanish)
I did it! How fun. :-)

Added bonus, the cashier and I had a conversation in Espanol, as well. (Definitely the longest one I've ever had with a Mega cashier.)

Me: Hola (Hi)
Her: Hola, come estas? (Hi, how are you?)
Me: bien, y tu? (Good, you?)
Her: Eres Americana? (Are you an American?)
Me: Si, pero vivo aqui. (Me, but I live here.)
Her: En San Jose? (In San Jose)
Me: Si. (yes)
Her: Hablas espanol? (You speak spanish?)
Me: Poquito. Apprendiendo. (A little. I'm learning.)
Her: Bueno. Practica mucho. (Good! Practice a lot!)
Me: Si. (Yup.)

Another random grocery store note:
I no longer get all nervous when I have to pay in pesos. I'm handling the currency much better. Before, I would just pay with the largest bills I had -- so I wouldn't have to count out correct change. However, now I'm totally getting better.


I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


Things to be proud of:

While C. was here, we did several things that are "new" to me and I am proud of them, so I shall record them here.

  • We not only navigated traffic, but found the auto parts store in San Jose ("Formula Uno") and I spoke in Spanish and bought two headlights for Bullet (one was out) for only $100 pesos. (About $10 USD.)
  • We dined down in San Jose at a restaurant that I had forgotten where exactly it was located. And we ordered in Spanish's, and I found a parking place. (That was my first time navigating through downtown San Jose.)
I feel like we did more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Ok, well. It's the little things...



Ok, so this is both a sad and exciting day.

Sad, because my best friend just left. Again. And, because we won't see eachother again for a month. Ugh.

Exciting, because we're getting closer to our end. We're almost there.


This has been a very long four, going on five, months.


He's Official

>> Monday, November 27, 2006

As of about 4:00 p.m. today, C. can officially live and work in Mexico. His FM3 (about the size of a U.S. passport) was approved.


Done. (This, my friends, is a huge relief.)


I'm alive

C. is still here.

Mom and little sister left this a.m.

I shall write tomorrow after C. leaves. (You know, when I'll have a boatload of "alone time" on my hands again.)