>> Friday, January 19, 2007

American Airlines has tickets out of Detroit to Cabo for $346 + taxes.


Lola & Brutus

>> Wednesday, January 17, 2007

...will be arriving in San Diego at the importer's tomorrow! (Seriously, it's been what? Five days from Toledo? Suh-weet.)

Next, they will be put on a truck and sent down here.


Housing Update

The super-great house on 19 Cacto won't be finished until the end of March, so we'll be moving into my brother's condo on March 1st. At which time, he will be vacating to a larger condo in the condo community.

EVERYTHING is working out.



One Reason why Mexico is great

They are heaven.
(C. hates them. That's crazy talk.)


International Similarities

>> Tuesday, January 16, 2007

(Carpet at the Puerto Paraiso Mall Theater, Cabo San Lucas)

It's good to know that movie theatre carpet is universally...um...well...pretty.


6 months and O.V.E.R. it.

**NOTE: This is a rant. It probably doesn't make a lot of sense, the grammar might be incorrect and it probably can't be reasoned through. Read at your own risk. I don't complain a lot on these here blogs, but today...I need to.

"They" say, (the people who've moved here from the States), that you hit periodic roadblocks in the first year of being a Cabo-ite. Emotional ones.

The first week or so you're here, it's crazy. "Why am I here. This is crazy."

Then, at the three-month point, you're questioning, a bit overwhelmed, and feeling out of your element. "This place is too different. I miss my old life, I'll never get used to this."

Then, you approach the six-month point. Where I currently am hovering.

I'm over it. To borrow from Maroon 5, living in Paradise isn't always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise. You compromise EVERYTHING that you're used to for a new life. And, friends, sometimes you just are OVER it.

Today, I'm over it.
Yesterday, I was over it.
10 days ago, I was over it.

Finally, while standing in my sister's kitchen talking to C. last night did it occur to me that the reason I have been so fed up with my current life status is because I'm at the unavoidable six-month mark.

This too, shall pass.

Until then, forgive my undeniable negativity and know that I miss reading the newspaper. A real one. (Not that The Blade is a "real" newspaper, I meant "real" as in not online.) I miss looking at ads. I miss coke
slushes. I miss the ease of running over to my friend's house to watch T.V. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss not having to deal with international logistics. I miss the other 7/8 of my life which is currently back in my home. I miss my dishes. I miss my old life.

I do NOT miss my old job.
I do NOT miss the weather in Toledo.
I do NOT miss the fact that so many of our friends were moving/moved away.
I do NOT miss not taking chances.

UGH. So here I am.

In paradise.



>> Monday, January 15, 2007

Don't tell the authorities, but I smuggled in some of my plants from home... I planted them last Saturday and look how happy they are, already!

Above: The wandering jew that I've had for a long time. From Shirl.

Above: My shamrock plant! Also from Shirl.


The C. Report, Edition Dos (2)

>> Sunday, January 14, 2007

Background: C. has been living in Cabo for two weeks and one day.

Most exciting thing:

"Knowing that our house will be finished soon."

Newest thing you've learned:
"Everything takes time. "

Current thoughts on the Mexican Culture:

"I respect their work ethic. They work so much and so hard for so little."

Food issues/thoughts:
"No issues with the food. LOVE the sushi."

Job Thoughts:
"I'm just excited about my first sale...when that happens."

Overall thoughts:
"Thank goodness for my familiy down here. It helps."

What do you miss?:
"I miss my stuff...but, my car will be here soon. I also really miss my dog."

Overall Comments:

"I just can't wait to get into a routine and look forward to doing stuff on our house."


It's the little things

I bought bedding today.

Since C. & I have a fully-furnished house in Ohio, it's been kind of fun (and frustrating) knowing that we get to "start over" here in Cabo.

We've decided to do the minimalist thing. Why? Well, again - we have a fully-furnished four-bedroom house in Ohio.

So, I ordered the quilt, 2 shams and 2 euro pillows (square) and shams above - all in white. I'm excited to do a beachy, easy-living, clean, white thing in our house.

Not sure what accent color I want - but I'm thinking the walls in our bedroom will be grey-bluish.
