The C. Report, Edition Dos (2)

>> Sunday, January 14, 2007

Background: C. has been living in Cabo for two weeks and one day.

Most exciting thing:

"Knowing that our house will be finished soon."

Newest thing you've learned:
"Everything takes time. "

Current thoughts on the Mexican Culture:

"I respect their work ethic. They work so much and so hard for so little."

Food issues/thoughts:
"No issues with the food. LOVE the sushi."

Job Thoughts:
"I'm just excited about my first sale...when that happens."

Overall thoughts:
"Thank goodness for my familiy down here. It helps."

What do you miss?:
"I miss my stuff...but, my car will be here soon. I also really miss my dog."

Overall Comments:

"I just can't wait to get into a routine and look forward to doing stuff on our house."


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