Overall Mexico Thoughts

>> Saturday, January 13, 2007

  • The jeans that native women wear here are too tight.
  • Way too tight.
  • WAY too tight.
  • I don't understand why the "up" escalators are on the left side. They should be on the right; in line with how we drive. On the RIGHT side of the road.
  • The men, truly are short here. I feel for them.
  • I'm sick of all of the available food. Bored with it, really.
  • I love the weather. My sister told me that she can tell that "Spring has begun." (In January. COOL.)
  • There's a lot (if not too much ) downtime here... Since I"m 100% unwilling to learn to surf, I need to find something else to do. (I miss running. And shopping on weekends at Target.)
  • That's all for now.


Soon to be Joining Us

My car, Lola (above)

C.'s car, Brutus (above)

The cars were picked up in Toledo today - THANK YOU J.B. and thank you J.H. for helping us get the pieces to this puzzle together.

How exciting!

(Not sure what it is about us always ending up driving cars by the same maker. Odd...)

I think the next step would be to ship Bullet (VW Jetta) back to Ohio (ugh) and use it when we're home. Then, I think C is considering selling the Jeep Wrangler. (Yikes, this is completely up to C.)

And yes, we have 4 cars right now. Is that ridiculous? Yes.


I am healing

>> Friday, January 12, 2007

My lip still kills and I wouldn't THINK of laughing or smiling... but I'm healing.

C. and I went through the house today - lookin' good.

We're going down to San Lucas to see "Night in the Museum" in Ingles and to buy a puzzle. :-) I love doing puzzles these days.


What? Is it RAINING?

>> Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's raining in Los Cabos.

What? Uh-huh. You heard it here.


P.S. My lip still hurts. I'm healing though!


Like I know

Mena (my sister's Spanish speaking housekeeper) just asked me how to make ham.
In spanish.
Like I have any idea.
I haven't eaten ham in five years, and I can guarantee you that prior to that, I surely didn't ever prepare it.

Two minutes later she gave me a plate with a sweet potato on it.
I guess I'm supposed to eat it.
Sometimes my life cracks me up.


Non-injury mouth ailments

>> Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So yesterday my lips blew up.

Call it stress, sun burned lips or poor diet (of which I have all 3) -- no matter, my lips blew up. I have, at this very moment upwards of one gazillion (about 42) small, painful blisters on my bottom lip, a.k.a. "fever blisters."

My bottom lip has swollen to twice its normal size, and if I don't say so myself, I look pretty.

So last night, C. went to the farmacia after I self-diagnosed on webmd and purchased some medications for me. In the States, they would have been prescriptions, but not here in Me-he-coe.

This morning, my lip was larger.

We went to the Dr. Overall - we had chosen the right plan of action (self-diagnoses does work), and I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory. (For my big 'ole lip. Again, I look pretty.)

Costs of the care:

* Dr. Visit: $36.00 (USD)
* Total Medications (2 different pills, 1 topical): $125.00 (USD)

Not bad.
My fears were quelled and I'm happy to have the largest bottom lip in all of Los Cabos.

For those of you who would like to make a joke at my expense, do know that one of the medications I was given (the anti-inflammatory) is called, in español: Voltarén Retard.


One must always keep laughing. Even if it hurts one's lips.


Things I will do in our house when we live in it

>> Tuesday, January 09, 2007


1. Sleep naked.
2. Walk around naked.
3. Watch T.V. naked.
4. Take my pants off when I come home from work. (A Toledo ritual)
5. Not lock every door when I'm in a room. (For fear that I am walked in on, while...you guessed it, I'm naked.)

Too much information? Too bad. :-) I'm a married 27-year-old woman. I can SO say this.


February 28th

That is the day the house will be turned over to us.

Then, the kitchen/bathrooms (hopefully) will be finished by March 15th.


This is getting exciting!



Saturday was a lovely day in Los Cabos.

Craig and I hung out on my sister's roof garden for a while: me reading, him removing Christmas lights.

We then washed my car and visisted the three American places here: Office Depot, Home Depot & Costco.

He thinks he can live here now. :-)