>> Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My sister (with whom I live) and her BFF left for San Diego today. I am here with Chloe, VeggieBurger and Marianna. (Brother B. leaves for T-town tomorrow a.m.) So, it's me and the kids until Friday afternoon/evening.
Anywho, Mena (the all-espanol speaking housekeeper-o-my-sister) pointed out when I got home (in Spanish, of course) that Riley (the semi-delayed intelligence-wise puppy rottweiler) ate poinsettias (I think that's poisonous) and that we're out of food.
So, she wrote me a grocery list. In Spanish. FUN! It's like a high-school Spanish class project. Here is what is said:
- pan bimbo (white bread, "Bimbo" brand)
- leche galen (gallon of milk)
- toallas para limpiar (this one stumped me for a few. paper towels)
- jamon (ham)
- bolonia (bologna. Thank goodness for cognates)
- brcoly (broccoli. duh)
- coliflor (cauliflower)
- manzanas (apples)
- carne arrachera marinada (huh? I had to ask the guy at the store about this one. It's some sort of meat. Like steak, all cut up or something.)
- pan amburguesas (hamburger buns)
- pan hot dog (hot dog buns)
- pure tomate de cajo (2) (2 cans of tomato sauce)
- cilantro (YES! it's English AND Spanish)
Added bonus, the cashier and I had a conversation in Espanol, as well. (Definitely the longest one I've ever had with a Mega cashier.)
Me: Hola (Hi)
Her: Hola, come estas? (Hi, how are you?)
Me: bien, y tu? (Good, you?)
Her: Eres Americana? (Are you an American?)
Me: Si, pero vivo aqui. (Me, but I live here.)
Her: En San Jose? (In San Jose)
Me: Si. (yes)
Her: Hablas espanol? (You speak spanish?)
Me: Poquito. Apprendiendo. (A little. I'm learning.)
Her: Bueno. Practica mucho. (Good! Practice a lot!)
Me: Si. (Yup.)
Another random grocery store note:
I no longer get all nervous when I have to pay in pesos. I'm handling the currency much better. Before, I would just pay with the largest bills I had -- so I wouldn't have to count out correct change. However, now I'm totally getting better.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
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