Annoying thing about Mexico #23
>> Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Ok, so all of the chocolate that comes to our stores is trucked in. It's a long, long drive. In an semi.
During that time the most rancid thing happens: the chocolate melts, re-solidifies into a weird waxy mess - and then is put on the shelves of our grocery stores for all of us to buy and "enjoy."
Case in point:
I recently purchased a bag of Hershey Kisses. Why? I need chocolate randomly throughout my day. The bag is a flippin' crap shoot. Sometimes, there are chocolate "kisses" (more like waxy blobs) that are completely OUT of the foil. Other times, the chocolate has turned this odd white color. (And it's milk chocolate.)
How does a Gringa get a not-re-melted, hard-as-a-rock piece of milk chocolate?
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