
>> Friday, September 08, 2006

It's been a whirlwind of 3 days.

I've met with our ad agency, discussed the magazine we're working on (...it's going to be great...), gone back and forth with copy writers (blech) and other ad people. (I was glad that the creative director wasn't there - I didn't have to battle anyone.)

I talked and talked, listened and listened, drove home some points and tried to appear much more intimidating than I will ever be. (Hopefully it worked.)

I also appeared friendly (yet firm) - because I'd like to think I am.

I schmoozed. And I'm tired.

I inhabited "office space" in a location that was not my office and I was able to pet a cocker spaniel and a german shepherd. (It's a dog-friendly ad agency.)

I listened to about a jillion people tell me that they'd love to move to Cabo.(Blah, blah.)

I frustrated my "client services representative." (Who cares.)

I slept in a hotel room, for the first time, by myself.

I very much so am still learning about my company; about my job; about what they were doing before I arrived. However, I'm excited to begin to pull things to gether - to make change - to start relationships - but most of all to help.

Ok - off to take a shower. I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow in order to get a ride to the airport for my flight that leaves at 8:40 a.m.

So long. Farewell. Auf Viedersen


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