Why can't it just be a blizzard?

>> Thursday, August 31, 2006

I was going to post another visual of the hurricane that is coming at us, but quite frankly, it just scares me even more. So. No visual with this entry.

It's early Thursday a.m., (2:13 a.m. T-town time), and I just got finished reading about as many reports as I could possibly find about Hurricane John. (From here on out called, "H.J.")

It's gone from being a Category 4, to be a Category 3. (Ok, ok, that's better...) However, I'm still not reassured. I guess when we wake up tomorrow, we'll probably start seeing the beginning stages of the whole flippin' thing. Rain caused by the bands around the hurricane, or whatever.

Tomorrow (Thursday) the shutters go up and the little things will be taken care of. (I.e. the rooftop deck plants, etc.) We've gone to Costco and Mega (supermarket) and have stocked up on a boatload of water, food, etc. We've got batteries, lanterns and even a small-medium-ish generator that will keep us sane. Not air-conditioned, but sane.

What scares me the most is the possibility of mudslides. I can't even imagine.

This area has succumbed to a Category 3 before. Anything above that? It's been years.

Still, if we could get out - I want to leave. I'm honestly and 100% petrified. However, I'm attempting to remain as positive as possible. My faith is in God, quite frankly, is what I like to rely on. He hasn't let me down yet.

So - the situation is what it is.

I just desperately wish that C. was here with me. I hate being thousands of miles away from him. I would imagine that it's just as horrible for him being far away and worrying, as it will be for me (and the fam) to go through this storm here. I hate this distance thing. To be quite honest, I just hate it.


So - here goes! I shall update for as long as we have internet access.


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